So we have finally finished the baby room. When we moved into our house, this room was used as an office. Pretty drab and boring. Our budget was small (er, very small), so we did our best to transform the space into something cozy and bright. I didn't want a room that was pink and tacky, so we went with soft, muted tones...
Here is where we acquired the rooms' furnishings:
Crib: Kijji free-ads
Couch: From our living room
Dresser and nightstand: My old set I had as a kid
Hooks on walls: Homesense (on sale for $5)
Art: All done by yours truly
Diaper Pail: Some ritzy baby store in Burlington. We splurged on a stainless steel diaper pail. (who wants a stinky room??)
Shelves: Ikea As-Is ($10/each)
Side Cupboard: Side-of-the-road find
Now of course I went to town on paint. The walls are Martha Stewart's 'Gloaming' (the pink) and the neutral walls are 'Whetstone Grey'. The side cupboard is 'Homestead Blue' milk paint, and the furniture is all CIL's 'Glass of Milk'.

Now, let's talk about the art work. These two frames display our daughter's very first sleepers. These are the ones they left the hospital in. The pink one, is of course, Hannah's, and the polka-dotted one is Caroline's. The painting of the houses is a mixed-media inspired painting I did myself. And the tree on the wall was done by my very artistic friend, Angela Puddicombe.