
Happy Birthday - to me!

It is my birthday.  I feel that you're still young if you still feel okay announcing how old you are turning.  I'm turning 27!  Not quite yet 30, but no longer in my 'early twenties'.

This year feels like it's been a bit of a blur.  Being 26 was awesome, though.  There were some really good moments, lots of fun and memories made with friends, and some hard days, too.  Here is a photo of me one year ago.

 Here is a recent one.  The only differences are:
     - my babies are 15 pounds heavier (each)
     - I am about 35 pounds lighter
     - I had really great hair
     - and now it's short and awkward.

Over the past year, I did about 75 pieces of furniture.

We started going to New Hope, which meets here:

And we love it, because we can walk to church and serve right in our community.  The people are fant-abulous, and they have a lot of potlucks. Which is SO good.  Expect to be hearing more about our church community in future blog posts.

Hm.... what else happened this year?  People actually started reading my blog, which is fun.  I became the proud owner of this sexy piece of machinery...

 I drive a mini-van, yes I love it, if you can figure out a more fashionable way to fit our family + double stroller + cooler + 200 diapers + whatever-furniture-Mark-finds-on-the-side-of-the-road, I will consider it.  But until then, good ol' Alfie is just the friend I need.

In retrospect, it seems like I didn't have a very exciting year.  But that's okay - I cared for my family, and worked.  Really hard.  Life is busy.  Life is full.
  photo Signature1_zpsbcc8806f.png

1 comment:

  1. I would say you had a wonderful year! 75 pieces In one year is about I piece every 4.86 days. Nothing beats caring for your family . Oh, Happy Birthday!
