
Happy Halloween!

 In spirit of it being fall, I decided to do a very autumn colour on this piece.  I know - it's yellow!  Not a colour I do very often.  In fact, I've only done 2 other yellow buffets - ever.  I usually hang onto them for longer than the white, green, blue and grey pieces I do, but they do eventually sell.  And the buyers who buy them don't just like them - they LOVE them!

Here's the before....

And here's the after.

I'm in love with the clean, simple lines of this piece.  I've only ever had one other like it - and I did it a light teal.  Actually, this was one of the first buffets I ever did.  It sold so quickly, thus starting my rampage of buffets over the past 2 years.

If you think milk paint is tricky to work with - try working with YELLOW milk paint.  It's very temperamental!  The colours have to be so thoroughly blended, or you'll have streaks of white and red.  And it takes a lot of coats - I think I did 6 coats.  Then when I applied the wax - the paint just soaked it up, so I had to apply it quite thick.  This piece took quite a while to do.

Not sure why my floors look blue and streaky...

I LOVE the depth of the colour.  So rich and bold!

The hardware on this piece is pretty fun, too.  Not like the traditional antique, but more fun and eclectic. 

Okay... so what did your kids dress up like last night?  I'll tell you what we were...

Yep, my two little chicks.

 I think they were the cutest little chicks ever.  Even when they got angry.

All day we practiced bawking like a chicken.  I would go, "Bawk bawk bawk!"  and Hannah would respond - "da da da!"  Close enough.  Today she wore her little chicken hat all around the house going, "da da da!"

 I made their costumes.  Thanks, Martha Stewart.  It was a hit.

Yes those are dish gloves on their shoes.  The feathers are just dollar store boa's sewed to a onsie.  And the hat is made of red felt.  Two costumes for under $15.  Pretty fab!

We had our first chocolate bar.

 Our neighbours came over, and our kids had fun shaking smarties together on the front porch.  It was super cute.  Mark grew up not celebrating halloween, so dressing up and buying candy to hand out is all new to him.  I think he enjoyed it more than the girls did :)

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  1. LOVE this color! Can you tell us what it is? And, did you just use a clear wax and distressing or did you use a dark wax?
    BEAUTIFUL !!!!!

  2. Great job! I can't believe you had to do 6 coats. I would not have been happy about that.

  3. Lovely to see you last night. I love the girl's costumes, what a whoot! I love seeing my nieces on your blog I just wished I lived closer so I could see them more. Love you.

  4. I love it! If I walked in a store that would be the first piece I would be drawn to! Now I need to go find a buffet and paint it yellow!
