
Raw Silk Antique Hutch

 This was yesterday's project.  This beautiful buffet & hutch comes in two pieces, and is quite a unique piece.  I love it because it's on casters.  How easy it is to roll it into another spot in the room, or to clean underneath it.

The colour I used is a discontinued Homestead House milk paint colour - Raw Silk.  It's a slightly grey-ish off-white.  It's a stunning colour.

For this piece, I refused to do any sanding.  The result was quite a bit of chippy-ness.

The drawer pulls on this piece are super fun.

The top part is separate from the bottom.  I considered creating a custom top for the bottom piece, so it would just be a buffet.  But in the end, I decided to keep the hutch.

There is some brokenness is the wood detail - all which adds to the character of the piece.

The decal in the window on this pieces is extraordinary.  It's a thick, double wood piece.  It made it a lot of fun to paint.

Last night, Hannah did some milk painting of her own, and wanted to share with you the tutorial.

First, take your bottle of warm milk.

 Shake it upside down on the floor to create a puddle of milk.  Smear your hands around in it.

Ta-da!  Milk painting 101 for toddlers.
 photo Signature1_zpsbcc8806f.png

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